One of the decisions you will need to make when starting a business is which email address to provide your customers and prospects. This email address may be included on marketing materials, vehicle wraps, broadcast commercials, and more. Your email address says something about your business. When you have “” versus “” it may indicate to your customer base that you are either new in business or small compared to your competition.

It looks so difficult!

It is easier than you may think to have the domain specific email address you need to look like a serious player among the competition in your industry and market. It is one of those things that are easy to us that do it regularly but may appear difficult to those that have never done it. Using resources like Google Workspace makes it simple to get the email address you want. It can be compared to sending 1099s to your contractors at the end of the year. If you must do it yourself, it can be quite a challenge. If you hire a professional who regularly builds domain specific email addresses it is a simple task for them to complete!

Who do I hire?

Many website development companies have people on staff that can do this work. But the best solution is to hire a company that specializes in domain emails. Companies that setup domain specific emails every week are better suited to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

What will I need?

You will need to have already secured the domain you want to use. You can do this through a registrar like GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc. You will need to provide the login information to your contractor that you have hired to set your email up for you. You will also need to determine how many email addresses you need and what they should be. For instance, do you want a generic “help@” type email address in addition to, or in lieu of a traditional “name@” address? This can be helpful because it allows anyone in the company to receive and respond to inquiries. You will also need to understand that there will be a cost involved. It is typically per month and per user. It is not a free service like Gmail, Yahoo mail, etc.

Hire EPS to build your domain email addresses

Echo Professional Services, through our Easy Business Starter portal, allows you to get your business up and running quickly. One of the elements you can choose from is the establishment of domain specific email addresses! Email us at or give us a call at 800-674-9497 to learn more!